Excitement and Trepidation In Equal Parts!

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Excitement and Trepidation In Equal Parts!

Post: # 5046Post MizRaff
March 29th, 2015, 12:11 am

Well folks,

I may have mentioned on our introductory posts that we intended revamping the interior of Max, our 1993 Dutchmen demountable...
We already knew that due to a deteriorating front window seal, a certain amount of damp was happening in the front left corner of the luton.
What we didn't realise till today, when we took our spiffy new brackets and Happijac legs up to start fitting them, was that at least some of the woodwork inside that innocent-looking aluminium siding has approximately the texture and appearance of well-rotted compost. Great if we wanted to grow flowers in it; less great for supporting a ton of camper!
So, we are having to bite the bullet of investigating further, and (at the very least) tracking down, removing and replacing all the soggy wood. Rebuild time!
So my amusing girly artist playtime project of interior revamp has, perforce, morphed into a possibly major rebuild... :shock: :roll: :?
I have been properly reassured by the DIY antics of others on this forum who have discovered disasters lurking under their floors and inside their seemingly-solid walls.
I have been inspired by arty girl Mandi from California, whose blog http://www.vintagerevivals.com/2014/07/ ... eries.html details her travails restoring a 1973 'camper trailer' (ie caravan). Her blog sideline reads: "Hey there. I am Mandi. And this is a DIY blog. My style? FEARLESS."
I have decided to blog throughout the journey to restore Max to full fabulousness. But I think my own sideline may read a little differently. I'm not twenty-something and gorgeous, for starters. Perhaps I should go with: "Hi there. I am Sue. And this is a DIY camper restoration blog. My style? PANT-WETTING PANIC."
Hmm. :| Maybe that needs a little work...
So, anyway, now all we need to find is a nice, warm, light workshop or barn with a 14-foot high door, really nice and close to Hexham, and someone willing to lend it to me for the next 6 months, and we're good to go!

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Re: Excitement and Trepidation In Equal Parts!

Post: # 5051Post zildjian
March 29th, 2015, 8:08 am

No harm in 'finessing-up' your profile on lnkedin to appeal to the desired tool belted audience,

I'd just 'borrow' her profile pic for duration :mrgreen:


that said Her blog is informative and well documented I can see how you found this appealing
these blog harvest advice on technical subjects of this sort, our very own group enjoy following just these sort of projects!

Somewhere to work would be my choice too,
Is there access to a farm building between now and harvest time available?

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Re: Excitement and Trepidation In Equal Parts!

Post: # 5087Post FinAde
March 29th, 2015, 9:29 pm

Have a look at ours and Mike' s threads if you haven't already.. we had to take off both rear leg supports and replace the wood frames underneath. Feel free to ask any questions although each job has its own quirks :?
Tischer 230
VW Amarok

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